“The era of the unipolar world order is over, despite all attempts to preserve it by any means.” Speaking today, June 17, at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin launched a sharp attack on the United States (“They think they are the only center of the world”) and argued that sanctions against Moscow proved useless “They are insane and ruthless, their goal is to destroy the economy of the Russian Federation, but they didn’t work,” said the Russian President. “The West is deliberately undermining international fundamentals in the name of its geopolitical illusions,” continued Putin continued.The Russian President did not spare Europe either, saying that the current situation “will lead to a wave of radicalism and in the future to a change of elites. The European Union has irrevocably lost its sovereignty”. Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Putin said: “All goals are being achieved. Russia’s special operation in Ukraine is the decision of a sovereign state based on the right to guarantee its security.” Putin’s speech was postponed by an hour “due to a cyber attack on the forum website that disrupted the admission system to the plenary session,” the Kremlin spokesman said. Dmitry Peskov.