“The winner of Sanremo on Sunday evening went to Fabio Fazio… when he was on Rai. Since he is now on Nove, a rival network, the winner will always be a guest on Rai. I don't see any difference from the past. Roberto Sergio, CEO of Rai, irritated by the interview with the presenter of “Che tempo che fa”, published by Sette, does not let it go. In his style.
Fazio, who moved his program to Discovery in May coinciding with the arrival of the new Rai management, referred in the interview to the new Sanremo regulation, according to which the winner will not be able to in the three days following the conclusion of the festival to participate in shows other than Rai. “Well,” he remarked, “it must surely be a coincidence that the winner usually came to me.” Because it cannot be true that a rule was made against my program. This can not be true. Also because we all feel better at Christmas…”.
The CEO denies that any rules have been set against the person: “There is nothing new,” he emphasizes. So is Fazio an instrumental controversy? “Any reason is good to challenge Rai,” he replies. But the only truth is that television in Italy is Rai today and, despite the prophets of doom, in the future. This will continue to help build national identity and allow citizens to recognize themselves in a memory that belongs to everyone.”
And today comes a message from CEO Sergio together with General Director Giampaolo Rossi to celebrate Rai's 70th anniversary. “Remembrance, Pride, Responsibility: Words that remind us on this day of celebration of the core values of public service.” Remembering what Rai did for the growth of “knowledge” in our country; the pride of being the country's largest cultural enterprise, a pillar of pluralism and democracy and the driving force of the national audiovisual industry; the responsibility to continue to do this in practice.”
A special thank you from the leaders goes to the women and men “who have made Rai great over these 70 years and to those who, with dedication and passion, make Rai one of the largest and most influential public radio, television and multimedia services today.” in Europe”. Finally, President Marinella Soldi expresses the hope for “a 2024 in which we celebrate our tradition by facing new challenges: innovation, digital transformation, sustainability, inclusion and equality”.
And tonight Rai will celebrate itself by broadcasting “Rischiatutto '70” on RaiUno and RaiPlay: a special episode hosted by Carlo Conti to trace the many programs, faces and characters of the public broadcaster. And maybe Fabio Fazio too.