1695790404 Record melting sea ice in Antarctica Emperor penguins in danger

Record melting sea ice in Antarctica: Emperor penguins in danger

The ice shelf from Antarctica to the South Pole is currently experiencing record melting.

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At this time of year, which marks the end of the southern winter – that is, the cold season for countries in the Earth’s southern hemisphere – a glaciologist from the University of Melbourne in Australia, Ariaan Purich, notes “the extent of the damage”.

Record melting sea ice in Antarctica Emperor penguins in danger


“More than 2.5 million square kilometers of frozen water had disappeared,” says the expert.

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“We see that 2023 has been catastrophic,” she adds.

Global warming is having consequences for species living in Antarctica.

One of them: the emperor penguin.

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The melting of the ice, which is now starting much earlier, means that the young of this bird species, who cannot yet swim, drown in large numbers when they have to leave their place of birth.

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For these reasons, entire colonies have already disappeared.

If nothing is done, the emperor penguin population could disappear by the year 2100.