Red Sea the UK is ready to join the US

Red Sea, the UK is ready to join the US in launching air strikes against Yemen and the bases…

Red Sea the UK is ready to join the US

The UK is preparing to join the US and other Western countries in launching a series of airstrikes against Yemen or Yemen-linked targets in the Red Sea. The Times reports on this, adding that an “unprecedented” joint statement warning Sanaa will be released in the next few hours […]




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The Great Britain is preparing to join United States and other Western countries are launching a series of Airstrikes against it Yemen or Yemen-related targets in Red Sea. The Times reports on this, adding that an “unprecedented” joint statement will be released in the next few hours warning Sanaa to halt its operations or face catastrophe military reaction. The New York Times, citing the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, explains that the Pentagon has already elaborated on this plans Attack rebel bases Houthis in Yemen, including where they are currently being held hijacked ships.

The news comes after three Houthi boats were visited on December 31 Bathroom sink by US helicopters that caused this Death of ten militiamen. On the same day Safar al-Sufi, director of the Houthi leader's office in Yemen, said that by attacking Yemeni forces at sea, the United States had essentially “provoked a reaction against itself,” and stressed that Washington “will not escape the consequences of its actions ” become. Spokesperson for the Brigadier General of the Yemeni Armed Forces Yahya saree He had already issued a warning last week saying: “We warn the American enemy of the impact of escalation on our nation and our people.” In addition, the spokesman told Washington: “You should heed the warnings of the leader of Ansar -Allah Movement (Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, editor's note). In this context, the leader of Ansar Allah previously stated: “The United States will become a Goal right when they attack Yemen.”

January 1st Yemeni Parliament in Sanaa then released a statement declaring that the presence of the armies of the US-led maritime task force in the Yemeni territories was “tantamount to a…” Act of occupation“. The legislature then reiterated the need to treat the occupying forces on the basis that they are “hostile targets,” emphasizing that “the American mobilization poses a real threat to the security of international shipping lanes in the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea.” . On the same day, according to the Iranian news agency Tasnim, an advanced destroyer the Tehran Navy entered the Red Sea via the Bab al-Mandeb Strait. The warship in question, the Alborz, belongs to the 94 Group of the Iranian Navy and is equipped with Cruise missiles far-reaching, as the Mehr news agency reports, and is considered one of the most powerful destroyer currently in use to defend Iran. According to Bloomberg, Iran's move complicates Washington's stated goal of protecting the waterway and could be seen as a challenge to the Red Sea maritime task force. Iranian media, also reported by Al Jazeera, also reports that the head of Iran's security service, Ali Akbar Ahmadianheld a meeting with the top Houthi negotiator Mohammad Abdulsalam (It is not clear where and when the meeting took place) in which Tehran praised the Houthis for their support for the Palestinians and for their strength Opposition to Israel.

However, the escalation in the Red Sea comes at the same time as one reduction the United States naval presence in Eastern Mediterranean, a move seen by some analysts as a signal from Washington to Tehran not to worsen the tense situation in the region. On December 26, the United States decided to withdraw the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford from the Lebanese and Israeli coasts. There USS Fordthe US Navy's newest and largest aircraft carrier, was deployed after the attack on Hamas of October 7th with deterrent purposes, particularly against the Lebanese movement Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. According to the Israeli military analyst Amos HarelIn Haaretz, he wrote: “The reduction of US naval power in the region may have been accompanied by a separate signal to Tehran not to aggravate the already tense situation,” explaining that “the decline in American naval presence in the region …” Not good news for Israel. Finally, Harel writes: “There have been such recently tense telephone conversations” between the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the President of the United States Joe Biden“mainly about Netanyahu’s relations with thePalestinian Authority“. “The continuous flow of statements from ministers of extreme right “The Netanyahu government's statements about the expulsion of the Palestinian population from Gaza and the revival of Jewish settlements there do not help create an atmosphere of trust in Israel on the part of Washington,” the expert concludes.