Reference in “Cannabis Humor , influencer Tassio Bacelar died in Salvador

This Wednesday (25) the influencer Tassio Bacelar died. He has 700,000 followers on Instagram and was cycling through Salvador when he suffered a fall that caused head trauma.

The accident occurred last Friday (20). According to André Muinhos, a close friend of the influencer, he remained hospitalized in recent days. After the trauma, he suffered convulsions and pneumonia.

“He was my best friend, you could say. Then today his wife called me and told me the news. I wanted to leave him a tribute: his candle burns and will never go out, forever Methuselah. We love you, brother,” said André, who is a tourist guide in Chapada Diamantina.

Melissa Said, Tassio’s wife, published a tribute to her beloved in stories. “Forever in my heart, my love. I love you more than anything,” she explained.

In the comments of the latest release, fans paid tribute to the content creator. “Shocked, bro. May God welcome your soul and may the angels of light guide you through a good path,” said one. “Rest in peace, legend,” the other added.