Right wing influencers and other big TV surprises from Pedro Sanchezs

Right-wing “influencers” and other big TV surprises from Pedro Sánchez’s inauguration

This thing has been going on for months. Six, to be exact. Because it was mid-May of this year 2023 when Alejandro Salem, appointed CEO of Mediaset, declared: “Ana Rosa will not do politics in the afternoons of Telecinco.” The newspaper archive has these things, says Pedro Sánchez. Or maybe necessity had to be made into a virtue, who knows.

But the fact is that in mid-November we legalized politics, politicized the judiciary and now also ideologized entertainment. Actually a little further on one side than the other. “It is a step that requires courage,” Pedro Sánchez said of the amnesty on his first day of inauguration. And it takes courage to delve into the magazines these days, some from Mediaset, others from Atresmedia, where nothing is as it seems because the amnesty takes a lot of time. Luckily we have Chenoa’s divorce, the celebrations of Conde Pumpido’s son and the photos of Genoveva Casanova with the heir to Denmark. The oxygen we need.

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Those who know say that this article should begin with the afternoon of November 13th, when Ana Rosa Quintana decided to change her “VIP table” (sic) and launch to Soleares. “We started in a slightly special way. As you will understand, given what is happening in our country, we need to talk about the things that can change the future of the Spanish people,” said the journalist. From then on he said things that overall surprised no one, because it is neither the first nor the last time that he shows that he likes politics as much as Atlético de Madrid. It is noticeable, it is noticeable that Quintana is a dissident. He doesn’t like the amnesty, he supports peaceful demonstrations and appeals to good socialists.

Ana Rosa Quintana, in “TardeAr”, the magazine she moderates and directs.Ana Rosa Quintana, in “TardeAr”, the magazine she moderates and directs.

But before that second Monday of the month, this impressive country had, as Sánchez would say, shown signs of greatness in other audiovisual formats.

It had allowed us to see Gonzalo Miró arguing with Susanna Griso after the signing of the agreement between the PSOE and Junts in Más Espejo, the variety part of Espejo Público. Miró, a media person who could do the same on a catwalk to talk about salsa, comment on a game or advocate for the welfare state, decided to justify the necessity of the agreement. Golden moment, pure magic, when he says: “I don’t think that under socialism everyone interprets it as the collapse of Spain…”. “It’s already broken, Gonzalo,” interrupts Mariló Montero in the voice of Arias Navarro, under the watchful eyes of Ángel Antonio Herrera and Miquel Valls, who share the sofa with Pilar Miró’s son.

“Vendepatrias” and joys

And it had also allowed us to see on social networks a video of Don Francisco Arévalo and Paco, the one with the Gangoso jokes, the one who shared paellas and plays with Bertín Osborne in a piece called “Twins”. It is close to the PSOE headquarters no matter where you live as far as constitutionality is concerned. “I don’t care what politician he is, I don’t care, Spain comes first. I even dare to tell our king to please not sign the agreement to stay in his position,” he says. He then makes a reference to Franco, but this text deserves to give way to other protagonists. Ana Obregón and Miguel Bosé have also spoken out in their networks, calling Sánchez a traitor and traitor. All joys.

Let’s go back to November 13th. El Hormiguero is once again the most watched program of the day with the visit of sports journalist Josep Pedrerol. “I would like to ask you a question as a Catalan,” says Pablo Motos. This bait is interesting when you think about it. Ask questions like “Manchego,” “Libra,” or “Ambidextrous.” The question, of course, concerns amnesty. Pedrerol looks into the camera without asking which one is his and speaks to all of Spain: “I don’t want to believe that what they say is true. “I can’t believe someone would trade seven votes.” Applause from the audience, causing the interlocutor to collapse. He decides to appeal to the conscience of the socialist deputies of every province in Spain that is not Catalan. “Will they vote against their people?” he asks. “Pedro, you have time when you look at me and I am a nobody. “You have time to think about what you are going to do on Wednesday and Thursday.” Dramatic pause that Motos closes with a sentence as if he had given a chest pass: “There is that.”

14th November. In the Public Mirror they comment that there are some influencers who have expressed themselves politically against the amnesty. María Pombo and Rocío Osorno, for example. Let’s see. Extraordinary things have happened on Instagram these days, like people distilling ideology from the first of their stories based on what they say and the way they want to set a precedent as patriots wearing anti-abortion bracelets. “You know, I don’t like to talk about politics, but the way things are…” they say. What a high price you pay for being politically incorrect, friends.

Gonzalo Miró and Marió Montero in “Public Mirror”.Gonzalo Miró and Marió Montero in “Public Mirror”.

In the afternoon on Telecinco they tell us that Daniel Sancho has still not been brought to justice and that young people cannot save and therefore cannot afford to buy a house. Ana Rosa asks Pedro Sánchez to please create more social housing. They talk about the Dani Alves case and when they contact the journalist Mayka Navarro, who lives in Barcelona and reports on the case, she complains about the wind, which prevents her from having good hair during the connection . “You know, it’s Puigdemont’s fault,” jokes Quintana. A little later they comment on the police operation before the investiture meeting. “The mood of the Spaniards remains tense,” he says.

Andy Lucas and Machiavelli

That evening in El Hormiguero there is a girl in the audience who cries a lot. The camera is on her at least a few times, but she is sad not because she wants Feijóo to rule, but because Andy and Lucas are breaking up. The boys are nice, hard workers and due to the health of the second, who describes himself as a “work psychopath”, they have to say goodbye to their audience. They sing a little and have already gotten over the who’s who joke. By the way, it’s about love, it’s a great song.

Then comes the discussion of current affairs. Founded by Motos, Juan del Val, Miguel Lago, María Dabán and Rubén Amón. “I think it’s a shame”, “symptoms of the banana state”, “huge lie”, one of them doesn’t like the headline on the front page of EL PAÍS, oh my God. Nobody even begins to defend the government’s position. Talk about motorcycles. “There are many Catalans who have nothing to do with it and don’t like the nationalists.” AHA. “It is very difficult for people to agree on something. And that they agree on something so uncomfortable, when you know that the price you pay at this moment for raising your voice and expressing an opinion that is not that of the government is high…” Really very high.

Later, Vicente Vallés is quoted and the greatest hits of socialist politicians who expressed atrocities about the amnesty and were broadcast on the nine o’clock news program are reproduced, because in this, as in so many other things, the PSOE behaves by average lethal drag.

Meanwhile, in the sixth, El Intermedio continues to make jokes with rather little humor about this and other topics.

Afternoon of November 15th. Telecinco is loaded for a day. This is the life and links to the House of Representatives signal. We see Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Shortly before six there is a special TardeAR program with a political table. All women. Susana Díaz, Cristina Cifuentes, Estefanía Molina and María Claver. The moderator brings everything with him. “Frontist speech of almost two hours”, “He is only president of a part of the Spaniards, those who voted for him”, “Me or chaos, me and the amnesty or the extreme right”. After the commercial break, he says that making a virtue out of necessity is “Machiavellian,” that Aznar Feijóo “doesn’t condition at all,” that “Ferraz’s move is motivated differently,” and that he doesn’t understand “the drift of Vox “. That’s what Pablo Motos would say.

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