Rush in traffic An SUV rams a motorcycle two injured

Rush in traffic: An SUV rams a motorcycle, two injured

Two motorcyclists were injured in Saint-Eustache on Sunday morning when they were attacked and run over by two SUV drivers in what appeared to be a case of a road frenzy.

The collision occurred just before 10 a.m. on Highway 640 near Route 148 (Arthur-Sauvé Boulevard), resulting in the closure of the east highway until the afternoon.

According to witnesses at the scene interviewed by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), two SUV drivers felt dislike for the motorcyclists, who were riding a three-wheeled motorcycle.

The conflict escalated to such an extent that the driver of the first SUV intentionally collided with the motorcycle.

The two motorcyclists were seriously injured, but their lives are not in danger.

“The driver of the van was arrested by the police for dangerous driving with bodily harm and armed assault,” said SQ spokesman Éric Cadotte.

The second SUV, in turn, crashed into a fourth vehicle that was not directly involved in the road riot. His driver was arrested for dangerous driving.

An investigation was launched to determine the causes and circumstances that led to these accidents.