Russia identified couple laughing at rape The woman said to

Russia, identified couple laughing at rape. The woman said to her husband: “He rapes Ukrainian women, but then don’t tell me.”

“Violence the Women Ukrainians,” warned one woman to her Russian husband. The two protagonists of the conversation Vibrations were detected. On April 12, the Security Service of Ukraine published an interview in which a woman invited her partner to rape Ukrainian women. From the publication of the wiretapped conversation a Kherson it can be assumed that the fragment is part of a longer dialogue. The man to whom the woman is addressing now has a name: he is Roman Bykowski, 27, a former conscript in the Russian army who took part in the annexation of Crimea, where he later moved his family from Russia. Now this soldier is wounded and is being treated in a hospital in Sevastopol. The wife is Olga Bykovskaya Pinyasova. Both are from the Orel region of the Russian Federation.


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The news is the result of an investigative project by Radio Liberty and the Schemes and an interception by the Ukrainian intelligence services. Schemes noted that the Russian serviceman, whom his wife “allowed” to rape “Ukrainian women,” was in the Kherson region at the time of the call. From the sources of the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, the journalists learned the Russian phone numbers of the interlocutors, which made it possible to identify them.

Ukrainian news agency UNIAN reports that Roman’s page is closed and that until recently his wife actively used the social network, but on April 13 he deleted his page.

In the conversation, the woman instructs her husband to rape Ukrainian women and not tell her anything so she doesn’t know if and when it will happen. But he hints that it could happen: he gives his permission.

Come on, rape Ukrainian women, OK? But don’t tell me anything!
Can I?
Yes, I’ll let you. But use condoms!

Do you remember that intercepted call between the RUS soldier and his wife? @cxemu and @SvobodaRadio Reporters managed to identify her. Meet Roman Bykovsky and Olga Bykovska. thread🧵

Ostap Yarysh (@OstapYarysh) April 15, 2022