Russia classifies LGBT movement as

Russian Police Search Gay Nightclubs After Banning LGBT Movement ​​

Russian police carried out several raids LGBT bars, clubs and parties on Friday evening and early Saturday morning. One of the raids took place at a Moscow club 300 people took part a party.

According to reports from the Telegram channel Ostorozhno Moskva, police officers asked Identity documents to the participants. The people were released after their documents were photographed.

The police action came a day after the Russian Supreme Court Ban on the “international LGBT movement”now classified as extremism. But authorities say the operations were aimed at finding drugs.

In addition to Moscow, raids also took place in several other Russian cities, such as: St. Petersburg.

According to Russian criminal law, this is participation in or financing of an extremist organization punished with up to 12 years in prison. A person found guilty of wearing symbols of LGBT and other groups faces up to 15 days in prison for a first offense and up to four years in prison for a repeat offense. People suspected of belonging to an extremist organization are prohibited from running for public office.

Until now, LGBT people have risked large fines for engaging in “propaganda,” but not prison.