Salmonella hospitalizations are increasing Ferrero in trouble

Salmonella, hospitalizations are increasing. Ferrero in Trouble

The case of the 12yearold boy from Ravenna has alarmed the company that produces the children, which has taken precautions to avoid further consequences.

ferrero ilovetrading 20.04.2022Ansa, Belgium, JULIEN WARNAND

The case of the child 12 years old from Ravenna who became nauseous after eating the chocolate egg made many Italian families who bought the eggs jump to their feet every day friendlier. there diagnosis no escape: it’s salmonella, the bacterium that usually causes diarrhea and sometimes a more serious infection, typhoid. Humans usually become infected by eating contaminated food, such as B. Undercooked chicken or eggs. It wasn’t the child the only victim of the family: The sister who ate the same product was also infected. The ball went to the Carabinieri, sector N / A, who now have to find out whether there is a connection between the children’s egg and salmonella. Also because the bacterium has apparently also manifested itself in other European countries, presumably related Chocolate Egg.

Salmonella in children’s eggs: which products are at risk?

kinder ilovetrading 20.04.2022Ansa, Monaco, PHILIPP GUELLAND

Ferrero, patron of eggs friendlier, warned and announced a list of salmonellaendangering products and advised against their consumption: These are Kinder Sorpresa x 6 “Pulcini”, Kinder Sorpresa Maxi 100g “Smurfs” and “Miraculous” as well as Kinder SchokoBons 125g and 46g. To check this you need to look at the packaging. Each of them has one code start with L Those most at risk are those that follow with RzLZR03L03. Explaining what to do is the website of Ferrerowhich announces through its official channels that in the event that one of the codes indicated above is identified, please do not eat the product and contact the website and fill out the relevant form.

What happened in Europe

bambino ilovetrading 20.04.2022Ansa, Kyiv, MIGUEL A. LOPES

The cases of salmonella happened in Europe usually affect tenyearolds: EFSA and ECDC they estimated approx 150 Cases across Europe and in particular in the States of France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Belgium, for the latter State where Ferrero has ceased its activities. And indeed, the salmonella root would have to be found in a farm Belgium.