Scorpio Todays Horoscope February 16 2023 Transform to Grow

Scorpio Today’s Horoscope April 9, 2023: Reflect on Your Way

Advice Your horoscope for this Sunday and see what the predictions are for love, health and more.

Scorpio, Your horoscope indicates this that through the skills that develop within you, through what Pluto wields in you in your 3rd house, you realize that you are increasingly more open and less stubborn, and this helps you to connect with people.

forecast of the day

Efficiently develop activities that connect to the power you have in your darkness and use them to give your professional projects a creative boost, otherwise your shadow could destroy what you have advanced in your professional life. Be careful with that.


You will be very happy if you know how to harness the dark and toxic in your emotions and feelings and use it as raw material for artistic creations or as fuel for sports or exercise, this is due to the presence of Neptune and Saturn from your house 5.


You can make great contributions to your health by helping your heart feel happier and in harmony with what you want to do in your life because of the enthusiasm of Jupiter and the power of the Sun through your house 6 in your reach.


You will do well at the work level if you want the actions you develop in your next work week to be guided by what makes you feel passionate and connected on an emotional and sensory level, leveraging Jupiter and the sun from home from work


It aims to make financial decisions not based on your instincts or your desires, but on good reflection and analysis so that your financial movements are efficient and productive for you.


Santeria is the religious belief that blends Christian elements with the Yoruba religion, originally from Africa and originally practiced by black slaves who came from there to different parts of America and passed their traditions on to their descendants.

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In Santeria, people usually wear necklaces, which are very important for several reasons, as they not only represent protection from evil, but also indicate which deity the Santeros worship.

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These necklaces are truly powerful objects that have been blessed and with which whoever wears them creates a connection to the coveted Orishas and their special powers.

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Santeria necklaces are a rite that every Santero must perform and observe, as it identifies and defines them as practitioners of this religion. In addition, they are known as iñales or elekes, an initiation rite, a symbol of faith and belonging to this world of Yoruba saints.

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All good necklaces are consecrated as they must go through a process of not only being blessed but also being purified in a ceremony that only prepared Santeros can perform.

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Only a Santero or Santera can perform the blessing ceremony and give these necklaces to their “godfathers” or “godfathers” because only they have the necessary “ashes” to give them their energy and power and place them in vessels called tureens become where the sacred foundations lie Lives of the Orishas.

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Depending on the Orisha for whom the necklace is to be made, there are different initiation or purification rites, usually involving lengthy prayer sessions, many written in Yoruba or African languages, and both physical and spiritual purification of the person who is will wear them.

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Also, there are some very important rules for using these necklaces. In addition to being made by special hands, the necklaces must be placed in a tureen dedicated to the Orisha they represent.

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Santeria necklaces usually need to be a certain measurement, e.g. B. from the neck to the navel. Women are required to wear the necklace over their clothing while men are required to wear it under their clothing.

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It is forbidden to bathe or sleep with them, let alone have physical contact with anyone else. If one of the necklaces breaks, it’s usually a sign of bad omen, and when that happens, you should go to Santeria’s ‘Godfather’ immediately to find a solution to the problem.

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Just as each Santeria necklace represents a deity, the crystals or stones that compose them must also be of specific colors to identify them with each Orisha to which they are dedicated.

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Each person who is consecrated or “baptized” with an orisha is required to wear certain necklaces or elekes for a period of time. In addition, you can complement the necklaces with bracelets made of the same beads as the necklaces.

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Among the numerous combinations and deities we can highlight some such as the white and blue pearls that represent Yemayá (aka Jemanjá), who is syncretized with the Virgen del Valle or de la Regla and is the goddess of fertility , motherhood and the Sea.

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There are also the red and white ones, related to Shangó, the god of fire and passion, the male deity par excellence. He is a very powerful, vengeful orisha and is considered the god of war, which is why he is associated with red, a very important tone in Santeria.

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Yellow and green beads together are very common, especially among snail readers. It corresponds to Orúla, the god of prophecy, and is syncretized or related to San Francisco de Asís.

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The colors of the necklace symbolize the deal Orula made with Death for him not to approach his children until the god has decided his mission on earth is finished. Therefore, if the necklace breaks, it is a sign that you are in danger of death. Therefore, go immediately to the Orisha who created them to repair them.

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The yellow beads represent Oshún, the goddess of love, seduction, femininity and wealth syncretized with the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre. She is a very beautiful and enchanting goddess who is able to make anyone fall in love or send love to someone.

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The necklaces of purple beads with blue stripes are usually very important as they are related to Orisha Babalu Aye, the god of diseases and are synchronized with San Lázaro. These necklaces are worn for those who have health problems and want this saint or god to help them recover.

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There are other combinations and colors dedicated to other deities and orishas, ​​but as you can see they are very interesting connections that people make with them to receive not only protection but part of the powers of these deities.

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few prediction

You can have very good results in enhancing certain emotions and sensations that are occurring in your relationship today as with Venus, Mercury and Uranus in your 7th house you find it very easy to understand what is going on between the two of you .


Love: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Friendship: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Labor: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
sexual energy: good

Advice of the day

You need to make an analysis of your ordinary working life and that is because Lilith can bring you forth in your working life if you don’t reflect your actions through deep introspection in your life.

Consult all information about horoscopes, predictions and compatibility between signs in our section Univision Horoscopes.