Selvaggia Lucarelli Il Foglio against social pillory and Fedez agrees

Selvaggia Lucarelli, Il Foglio against social pillory and Fedez agrees Adnkronos

“The 'Black Mirror' pillory exists, and so do the jackals, but the problem is not 'the network',” is the title of the article

“The 'Black Mirror' pillory exists, and so do the jackals, but the problem is not 'the network'.” This is the title of an article published today in “Foglio” by its director Claudio Cerasa about the shitstorm that Giovanna Pedretti, owner of the pizzeria Le Vignole in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano, and “was found dead on Sunday evening after ending up in a prison.” “We have unleashed a flurry of accusations, nothing less than creating a false review on Google to have,” writes Cerasa. A story “that deserves to be crafted without hypocrisy and without linguistic gaps, i.e. Foglio'.

A storm that, as he observes, emanated a few days ago from the social media accounts of a famous influencer with millions of followers, who decided to use the firepower of her platforms to add a new piece to her prestigious resume. Cerasa describes the process with an example: “Take a fan, turn the motor against the neighbor, make sure, if possible, that the neighbor doesn't have the tools to defend himself, and then slowly push as much shit in front of the wings as possible.”, direct the excrement at the unfortunate person in question and finally demand that those watching the scene submissively define all this journalism. The director of “Foglio” published the article on his Instagram profile and received a “like” from Fedez.