1685452102 Serbs return to protest after clashes in northern Kosovo

Serbs return to protest after clashes in northern Kosovo


After violent riots, meetings are held outside municipal offices in Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok. Austria strengthens military protection


Soldiers of the Polish Kosovo Force (KFOR) stand guard at the municipal office in Zvecan, Kosovo, May 30, 2023. Portal/Ognen Teofilovski


Prishtina (Pristina)/Belgrade – Following the fierce clashes between Serbs and the Kosovo protection force Kfor on Monday afternoon in Zvecan in northern Kosovo, Serbs gathered again in front of municipal offices on Tuesday . Around 30 peacekeepers and, according to Serbian hospital sources, 53 Serbs were injured in the riots. The Austrians were not injured. However, the army is increasing the protection of troops in northern Kosovo.

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