Serena Borton and not a little fascinated the audience from home Today is another day and his studio guests. In Monday’s episode, the presenter appeared with a conspicuous bandage on her hand. And so many, especially on social media, wondered what Bortone’s problem was. And live, while interviewing Giovanni Minoli, Bortone wanted to make things clear. In fact, the former Mixer host asked her if she was hurt.
Bortone replied clearly: “Let’s not overdo it. wound It seems like an epic thing, instead I had the surgery because I had resolved De Quervain’s disease and that’s why I had the surgery.”
But what is the disease of DeQuervain? It is an inflammation of the abductor longus and extensor brevis muscles, two tendons of the wrist that pass through the de Quervain canal and allow the thumb to open and partially extend. A surgical solution can eliminate this type of problem and restore full functionality to the hand. And just a few months ago, the moderator had spoken of some thumb problems after using the cell phone for several hours.