Yesterday, Saturday, May 21, the Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, was 67 years old. The Man of Mysteries is celebrating the anniversary in full war against Ukraine: the Russian invasion is indeed approaching its third month. And just the duration of this conflict could be one of the reasons why Shoigu may have come out of “mercy”. Wladimir Putinthe tsar who banked on a blitzkrieg.
And in the last few weeks we have heard everything and the opposite of everything about Shoigu: the heart attack, the desperate conditions, the fact that he is being removed by Putin, the fact that he would be punished, the rumors about the robberies behind the Kremlin. And so on and so forth, put more. Of course, there are no official truths. And understanding where the truth lies when it comes to the secretary of defense seems utterly impossible today.
Certainly, on his 67th birthday, Shoigu received a request from the deputy of the Kursk regional Duma, Alexey Solotarev, the Glushkovksy district. The latter, in fact, sent a request to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Increase in the number of soldiers and weapons at the border of the region with Ukraine, a sign that the Russian offensive is moving forward. And again, also on his birthday, the rumor had spread that Adam Hamkhoyev, nephew of Shoigu’s deputy, would die fighting in Ukraine. But it was fake news, or at least it seems so.