She fetches her 3 year old daughter from kindergarten The

She fetches her 3 year old daughter from kindergarten: “The teachers hugged her to calm her down, but she no longer .”

A mother She fetched her three-year-old daughter from kindergarten. The reason? The teachers often picked her up to calm her down, which had the opposite effect. Every time they tried, it elicited a slightly annoyed reaction from the little girl: Screams, panic attacks, angry kicks.

“My daughter never liked being touched. Even as a child, she was not affectionate with anyone. Sure, she cuddles her mum and dad…but still, she’s not the kind of girl to snuggle up to or snuggle up on the sofa with,” Sophea Manzl told moms’ blog, a portal that contributes to the audience of, Australia’s most-read online publication.

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Recommendations ignored

According to what we read between the lines of the article, the mother had reported the girl’s dislike of physical contact to the school staff (including the principal) and also explained the best way to reassure her: “Give her her favorite toy or temporarily remove her from other children.” Recommendations, he said, were hardly heeded by the teachers.

“I will never forget looking out the window at the outside area where all the children were playing and saw the teacher pick up my daughter and try to hug her. “My daughter was completely insane,” the mother would always add. After she repeated the same recommendations to the school, things didn’t change at all: the teachers – always according to her story – continued to ignore the child’s special needs and treated her with the same unsuccessful approach.

After a month in kindergarten, my daughter still hadn’t settled in. “He told me, ‘I don’t like my teachers, I don’t like them cuddling me’ – the story continues – He didn’t feel safe. She was terrified of kindergarten and was terrified every time.”

change school

At that point, the only solution was to change asylum. And so it was. The girl’s mother again had to report her daughter’s needs to the school staff. But this time at least it would help.

“They were incredible,” comments the mother. “They set her up in a quiet and comfortable space, with pillows, books, and no other people around.” They made her sit and watch until she was comfortable participating in activities. They even read my daughter a book about another boy who didn’t like being touched.

In short, a different approach that would have helped the little girl trust the teachers and the people around her. Yes, the kindergarten change was the right decision: “After a few weeks in the new kindergarten, my daughter came home and said: ‘I like my teacher’s mom, she knows I don’t like hugs,'” said mom Sophea. “Now she’s a completely new kid, she’s enjoying her days, she’s making friends, and she no longer cries when I take her to daycare.”

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