1651411234 She has cancer Very seriously They gave her 4 months

“She has cancer. Very seriously. They gave her 4 months to live ”: the dramatic confession …

A confession that of Belen Rodriguez, who tells of the dramatic. The Argentine showgirl like we’ve never seen her before

Who of us doesn’t know that Belen Rodriguez Showgirl of infinite beauty who at 38 reigns supreme in the world of entertainment. His private life It was always really very interestingto the point that it managed to fill a large number of pages with gossip.

Dramatic confession by Belen Rodriguez

Certainly also the accomplice Relationship with Stefano De Martino, a man she has married in the past and by whom a child was also born. the little one Santiago. Although the two have tried to fix things more than once, which ended in ruins by leaving, today Belen and Stefano seem to have decided to give that to each otheryet another possibility. But we’re not going to talk about that today.

The subject we are going to address concerns a Belen that we have never seen to this day, a woman in two parts pains after she finds out about one very terrible news. She herself spoke about it to the microphones at There is mail for you, a place where she revealed at length a time when a severe disease had come into his life.

The tragic words of Belen Rodriguez, a chilling backdrop

Dramatic confession by Belen Rodriguez

And so we read on the fabiosa website of an eighteen year old Belen coming face to face with one of the even worse diseasesthat Cancer. This was a very difficult time for the showgirl who saw the world crashing down on her. However, in such a difficult moment, Belen made the decision to do something instead of waiting for the situation to worseninevitable fate.

And that’s why Belen comes to Italy hoping to find one work and make the money you need pay for treatment. “She has cancer. Very seriously. They gave her 4 months to live.” It’s the story of Belen he’s talking about grannya woman she was very fond of and in whom she was very much reflected.

And he chose her make the trip to Italytry to save as much money as possible to pay for them Care and the therapies. Unfortunately, cancer doesn’t spare anyone, whether they’re ordinary people or familiar faces from the entertainment world.

He knows something about it Elizabeth Gregoraci, a woman who saw many members of her family die from cancer. It’s her lying on the floor claiming to have lost it motherthat granny and the cousin.