Smells like the Cold War China denounces US nuclear pressure

“Smells like the Cold War”: China denounces US nuclear pressure

China accused Washington of fomenting an arms race and endangering international peace and stability after it issued its latest review of the nuclear stance, which was included in the US national defense strategy.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin noted that the report “smacks strongly of the Cold War and zero-sum thinking«, which exaggerates the competition between the great powers and the confrontation between the blocs.

He also warned that the US is using nuclear weapons “as a tool to further its geopolitical goals,” which clearly contradicts the international expectation of preventing nuclear war.

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The spokesman pointed out that the North American country “has that the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and continues to improve its ‘nuclear triad’,” denouncing that progress in nuclear weapons control will only progress if it allows them to repress countries they see as rivals.

“What is behind US policy is its hegemonic search logic absolute military superiority“, he added.

In its strategy, the US Department of Defense identified Beijing as its top security challenge and questioned the scope, timing and lack thereof Transparency on the expansion of Chinese nuclear power.

For his part, Wang defended development in the area as “normal nuclear modernization.” He also stated that Washington had irresponsibly made baseless comments and assumptions while it was “obviously a nuclear deterrence strategy against China.”

In this vein, he warned that any attempt at US “nuclear blackmail” would not work. “We have the ability and confidence to protect our national security interests,” he said.

He also called on Washington to “abandon its Cold War mentality and hegemonic logic” while pursuing a “rational and responsible nuclear policy” for appropriate disarmament, maintaining stability and contributing to world peace and security. (RT News)