Actor Zack Robidas opened his heart on social media about the media fallout from the death of his wife, also actress Marnie Schulenberg. She died last Tuesday after battling breast cancer for more than a year.
In a statement posted to the Facebook page of Marnie’s agency, KMR Talent, Robidas complained about comments that his partner had “lost the battle” with the disease.
“Please don’t say that Marnie lost her battle with cancer. That is simply not true. I’ve seen her kick cancer’s ass every day since she was diagnosed. We have decided to face her diagnosis with blind optimism. future and we move on . I don’t know if that was right, but it was all we knew,” said the actor of shows like Succession (HBO).
Marnie Schulenberg, known for her work on TV series such as “As The World Turns” (CBS) and “Fringe” (Fox), discovered cancer in 2020 when the disease was already at an advanced stage. She has been married to Robidas since 2013. The two have a daughter, Coda, who is now two years old.