Newborn rescued with umbilical cord Reproduction / Social Networks (Twitter / @HoshangHesen)
A Syrian baby born during earthquake rescued from rubble with umbilical cord still attachedShe returned to family this Saturday (18). She was handed over to her uncles as her parents and siblings did not survive the disaster.
Footage of the rescue circulated widely on social media, with a rescuer carrying the tiny baby covered in dust.
The child was taken to Jihan Hospital in Afrin, where he received first aid and was placed in an incubator. She was later identified as the daughter of Abdallah and Afraa Mleihan, who lived with four other children in Jindires, which, like Afrin, is held by rebels in Aleppo province.
Hala, her paternal aunt, and Khalil AlSawadi, her uncle by marriage, eventually managed to get back their niece, whom they named Afraa in honor of their late mother.
“This girl means a lot to us because there is no one in her family but this baby. She will be a memory for me, her aunt and all our relatives in her mother’s and father’s village,” Sawadi said.
He carried Afraa wrapped in a pink blanket on one arm and his own newborn daughter Ataa wrapped in a blue blanket on the other. Ataa was born three days after the earthquake, and Sawadi said he wanted to raise the two together.
“There were legal procedures to confirm genetic relationship, as well as a DNA test,” he said.
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