Taiwan 28 Chinese fighter jets around the island Latest News

Taiwan, “28 Chinese fighter jets around the island” Latest News Ansa.it

China flew 28 warplanes around Taiwan, most of them crossing the median line of the Taiwan Strait for unspecified “long-range missions,” authorities in Taipei reported.

Taiwan’s defense ministry said 20 aircraft had been detected since this morning crossing the median line of the waterway between Taiwan and mainland China and entering the southeastern and southern air defense zone west of the self-governing island.

China is conducting “missions such as long-range exercises and training,” a defense ministry statement said, adding that it was monitoring the situation with patrol aircraft and ships.

Last week, Taipei reported a surge in incursions by Chinese warplanes and ships after Beijing said its troops were on “high alert” after two U.S. and Canadian ships passed through the Taiwan Strait. The island’s Defense Ministry said 68 Chinese aircraft and 10 warships were discovered around the island between Wednesday morning and Thursday morning.

Some of those planes and warships were en route to an unspecified area in the Western Pacific to “conduct joint sea and air exercises” with the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong, the ministry said.

China has not officially commented on the exercises conducted in the Western Pacific.

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