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Tax Fraud: More than $76,000 in fines for Mont-Joli entrepreneur

A builder from Mont-Joli in Bas-Saint-Laurent guilty of fraud has been fined $76,289.36, Revenu Quebec said Tuesday.

Yves Banville, owner of a company specializing in the renovation and construction of residential buildings, pleaded guilty to charges of tax evasion in the Mont-Joli court on 16th January.

According to the tax authorities, the 42-year-old man collected taxes on all but three quarters of his sales in the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018 without declaring or paying them to Revenu Québec. .

A comparison of the sales invoices confiscated during a search of the entrepreneur’s apartment with the payments made made it possible to determine the introduced regulation

A search of his home led to the seizure of sales invoices, the comparison of which with the payments made made it possible to determine the scheme operated by the unscrupulous entrepreneur.