Teachers laugh as they read these geohistory certificate candidate goofs

Teachers laugh as they read these geohistory certificate candidate goofs

The teachers laughed as they read these geohistory patent candidate mistakes

The history and geography patent test makes it possible to collect rather unusual answers from students every year: here is an anthology of the pearls of this test.

As the 2023 patent results unveil Wednesday, July 5 through Monday, July 10, one theme always focuses on the funniest, most bizarre, and most dizzying answers. This is history and geography. The students sometimes display incredible imaginations that support clumsy lyrical outbursts and add humor to the mess.

Here is a compilation of these pearls of the patent that can be found on various specialist sites such as L’Etudiant, Le Parisien Etudiant, Laliste.net or even Le Point.fr. These beads have been collected over several years but are still as fun as ever.

  • “The Cold War was a bloody war in which soldiers in the trenches were overtrained.”
  • “The Cold War is a war of words between France and Germany, in the end they created Europe.”
  • “The Battle of Waterloo leads to the liberation of Russia in 1945.”
  • “The Cold War is a long, cold fight over what’s hotter.”
  • “There’s the reds and blues that clash in the north and south.”
  • “Roman emperors held radiator battles.”
  • “Where do the gods of Olympus live? Answer: Mont Saint Michel.”
  • “The elected officials of the third estates met at the apple game.” (Bonus variant: “The apple juice oath”)
  • “1492: Robinson Crusoe discovers America.”
  • “Without fries, Parmentier invented the potato.”
  • “Life in the trenches was very hard. The hunger was so great that the soldiers drank their urine and ate their bandages.”
  • “Charlemagne is German because it says “magne” at the end”
  • “Adolf Hitler, German politician, Nobel Peace Prize 1945.”
  • “If Paris is more populous than Bordeaux, it’s because Bordeaux is less populated than Paris.”
  • “The fertility rate is the percentage of children born in relation to the number of sexual relationships.”
  • “The Berlin Wall divided Russia in two.”
  • “Europe then became the European Economic Union (UEFA).”
  • “The great river that flows in Russia is called Vodka.”
  • “After the defeat, the French chose Marshal Pétrin as their leader.”
  • “During the First World War, women worked in the factory to make grenades.”
  • “28. June 1914: Assassination of the Sarajevo Viaduct.”
  • “At the front, soldiers would die alive.”
  • “The last of the hairy ones is called Sébastien Chabal.”
  • “The Vichy regime was run by the blacksmith before Hitler and Stalin called for resistance.”
  • “It was Louis XIV who recanted Lady de Nantes.”
  • “In India, it’s the Indians. In America, it’s the Indians who are bitter because they’ve been decimated, which hasn’t made them happy.”
  • “Julius Caesar defeated Asterix at Alesia.”
  • “The motto of France is ‘Liberty, Equality, Fertility.’
  • “The swamp rats that threaten Japan with the Stunamys.”
  • “The city of Hiroshima was destroyed by a shell in August 1945.”
  • “The disadvantages of tourism for men sometimes consist in the fact that tourists choose to come and live in France: one less shelter and one more homeless person.”