The 60 euro bonus for transport is back heres who

The 60 euro bonus for transport is back, here’s who is entitled to it and how to get it Gazzetta del Sud

The €60 Transport Bonus is back, here’s who’s eligible and how to claim it.

Back to bonuses from 60 euro to pay for the public transport and train subscription, but used Persons with an income of less than 20,000 euros (no longer 35,000 euros as in the previous version of the measure). It predicts that transparency decree of gas prices which allocates 100 million for the intervention. The voucher bears the name of the beneficiary, can be used towards the purchase of a single season ticket, is non-transferable, does not constitute taxable income and is not relevant for the calculation of the value of the ISEE plate.

The transport bonus can be requested on the website by checking the list of active managers.

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