Gabi Desangles’ lawyer has drawn up an eight-point list on which he will base his charges against the alleged detractors of the communicator, influencer and actress and her husband José Chabebe, who the rumors are attributing to a divorce.
“Release tracking It has already happened,” says attorney José Martínez Brito, who also announced that the prosecution would not be based on Law 6132, but on Law 5307 on crimes and high-tech crimes.
“Yes, we have been called to represent and prosecute the crimes of defamation through digital media against Ms. Gabi Desangles and Mr. José Chabebe and in that sense some points need to be clarified. I’m starting a thread…”, Martínez Brito posted on his Twitter account.
The eight points raised by the attorney are as follows:
1. The applicable law is not 6132 about expression and dissemination of thoughts (which does not result in imprisonment), but 53-07 on felonies and high-tech offenses, a violation that will result in imprisonment if proven, and knowledge of coercion before the process.
2. Many could understand that the slander being spoken about is the disclosure of private information, and not. This refers to another different violation that will later be investigated for its prosecution. What concerns us now is the supposed list.
3. The center of a criminal act for defamation in electronic media would be the creation of a false and morbid list with the express intention of damaging reputation and gaining economic benefit through monetization.
4. Generators with unhealthy and defamatory content that has also been widely disseminated, they are inevitably asked to verify the truthfulness of this information, which of course they cannot prove because it is not true.
5. It’s one thing to comment and abounding in the private life of one public figure and another, quite another, is the dissemination of false information with the clear aim of benefiting in some way. The first action is entertainment and entertainment, the second a high-tech crime.
6. The thesis of many, That they somehow accuse the couple of being responsible for defamation for publicizing their intimate moments might have logic but no legal support. Therefore, it would not be admissible in court. The important thing is, “if he said it, he has to prove it.”
7. Tracking has already taken place, as well as the users whose comments were active when the displayed list was generated. Deleting a defamatory posting could be taken as recommended proof of good faith.
8. The legal team, led by Lic. José Martínez Brito and Lic. Okensy Contreras, is convinced that this is exactly the right and ideal time to set a precedent on this matter. We will try our best to achieve it.