1664869829 What do we know about tactical nuclear bombs that Russia

The catastrophic consequences of a nuclear escalation: According to the simulations, this can happen in Italy

Even if the use of nuclear power were limited to the “tactical” weapons repeatedly cited by the Kremlin, the consequences would be “catastrophic.” sound the alarm Iriad – Disarmament archive indicating how Russian bombs could be aimed at strategic targets in Italy. For example air and naval bases and NATO commands. The NATO bases would be the first to be targeted ghedi (Brescia) and Aviano (Pordenone), which together house about 40 nuclear warheads. However, other vulnerable targets are represented by other NATO bases and military commands Vicenza (Barracks del Din and Barracks Ederle), Leghorn (Camp Darby), gaeta, Naples (naval support activity), Taranto, Sigonella (Naval Air Station).

The consequences of the nuclear escalation

At least 55,000 dead and over 190,000 injured. This is the budget we would face in the event of a Russian bombing raid on the above targets. Especially when nearby cities are affected. The simulation published in Archivio Disarmo’s online magazine calculates the highest number of victims a Naples (about 21,000 dead and 109,000 injured), follow Vicenza (12,000 killed and 45,000 wounded), gaeta (12,000 dead and 5,000 wounded) e Taranto (7,500 dead and almost 27,000 injured). But to the more obvious human drama would be added a number of side effects Cascade. Blockage of infrastructures and nerve centers, in addition to the environmental damage caused by nuclear fallout and the persistence of radiation. Forecasts that are intended to “prevent” the “worst-case scenario”, he explains Francesca Farruggia, Secretary General of the Disarmament Archive. “Like us, and with much more resources than us, we trust governments, international organizations that include Italy and the United Nations, to pursue the same goal,” Iriad reiterated. Also because the picture just described is not even the most catastrophic picture.

Scenarios worrying the West

Based on the scenario model developed by Alex Wallerstein and applied by Princeton University, in the event of a generalized nuclear conflict, casualties would amount to approximately 34 million only in the early morning hours. The tick that separates us from the apocalypse rings louder and louder in recent threats to the Kremlin. As Ukraine calls for a no-fly zone over the country’s skies and calls for the delivery of long-range Atacms missiles, To fly in fact he feared an inevitable recourse to the nuclear in the event that these requests are accepted. But the use of nuclear weapons would lead to the breaking of the unwritten pact that prevents the powers from “first use” of nuclear power. If an intervention is expected at this point, give it United States, the more uncertain is the path they will choose in response: will they resort to conventional or nuclear weapons? «The question – he observes Fabrizio Battistelli, President of the Archivio Disarmo – of dramatic importance. The interruption or, on the contrary, the intensification of anuclear escalation. In the latter case, we would move from tactical to medium-range (over 500 km) warheads aimed at the European region, and from those to strategic, aimed at the areas of the two major nuclear powers United States and the Russia“. Battistelli concludes that these scenarios have always been studied by the “superpower headquarters”, but that since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine they are “updated in Moscow and Washington day by day, if not hour by hour”.

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