AGI Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelenskyy spoke before the Knesset, but slipped after a very unwelcome settlement in the Israeli parliament. He said the Russians used terms like “the final solution” against Ukraine, the same ones used by the Nazis 80 years ago.
(Russia) “wants to destroy everything that makes Ukrainians Ukrainians: that’s why I draw the comparison with your story” (the Holocaust), said the prime minister of Jewish descent.
“In Moscow, on official websites and in the media, they call it the ‘final solution’.” “These are words that should no longer be spoken and were instead said at a meeting in Moscow and at various official events. They are the same words used by Hitler for the Jewish people 80 years ago.
Ukraine and Israel “face the same threat, in the past and now, the danger of the annihilation of a people”. This was stated by the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in his video conference speech in front of the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. The fight for “Your survival in World War II is our fight for survival today”. , he added: “I ask you to defend our lives, the lives of Ukrainian Jews. Why can’t we get guns from you? Why didn’t you impose sanctions on Moscow?”.
Immediately, via Twitter, the response: Israel “cherishes the President of Ukraine and supports the Ukrainian people in heart and deed, but it is impossible to rewrite the horrific history of the Holocaust. Genocide committed even on Ukrainian soil. The war is terrible. “But dealing with the horrors of the Holocaust and the Final Solution is scandalous.” So in a tweet by the Israeli Minister of Communications Yoaz Hendel after the words of the Ukrainian President Zelenskyj in front of the Knesset.
מעריך את ששיא אוקקאינה ותוךך םםםם האוקקקיני לב ובמעה, אבל אי פפפפ לככככ את הת ההיסטוריה הנוראה של השואה.
רצח עם שבוצע גם באדמת אוקראינה. המלחמה נוראה אבל ההשוואה לזוועת השואה והפתרון הסופי מקוממת.Yoaz Hendel יועז הנדל (@ YoazHendel1) March 20, 2022
>>>Yuval Steinitz יובל שטייניץ (@steinitz_yuval) March 20, 2022
נכון הדבר שאלפים אכן סייעו להציל יהודים, והפכו לחסידי אומות העולם אבל האמת ההיסטורית העצובה היא שרבים בהרבה סייעו לנאצים בהתלהבות בפרויקט של איסוף והשמדת היהודים וגזלת רכושם. האמת ההיסטורית היא שהםם האוקקאיני לא יכול להגגגגות בהתתתתלותו אל מולותואה היהודית.
>>>Yuval Steinitz יובל שטייניץ (@steinitz_yuval) March 20, 2022
Yuval Steinitz יובל שטייניץ (@steinitz_yuval) March 20, 2022
Former Intelligence Minister Yuval Steiniz is stern: “It is said that no one is caught in a moment of grief, but if the speech of Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s Jewish President, were given on normal days, they would say that it was to the Border borders denial of the “Holocaust”.
“It is true that thousands of people helped save the Jews, but the sad historical truth is that many enthusiastically helped the Nazis in the project of gathering and exterminating Jews and looting their property. The historical truth is that the Ukrainian people cannot be proud of their behavior in the face of the Jewish Holocaust,” he added.
But she leaves a glimpse: “That doesn’t change the fact that despite the outrageous stakes of the Holocaust, we must continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian citizens suffering from the war and pray for its speedy end.”