The fire ant is now present in Europe and that

The fire ant is now present in Europe and that is very, very bad news

Solenopsis invicta is among us. This species of ant, also known as the “fire ant,” is one of the most invasive exotic species in the world. And according to a study published Monday in the journal Current Biology, it’s now found in Europe, HuffPost reports.

The fire ant was spotted in Sicily (Italy). Researchers have discovered at least 88 nests in Syracuse Province. In contrast to a large part of the planet, the Old Continent had so far been spared. Originally from South America, this ant has already colonized Australia, the United States, China, Mexico and the Caribbean.

Environmental and agricultural damage

The news is worrying: according to scientists, 7% of the European continent is suitable for the settlement of these predators. Its presence has a negative impact on the environment. “In the places where he settles, [cet insecte] leads to a decline in the diversity of invertebrates and small vertebrates,” explains Mattia Menchetti, co-author of the study.

The fire ant actually has a powerful venom that allows it to attack prey much larger than itself. In humans, this venom can cause, at best, a fairly severe itching (comparable to a slight burning sensation, hence the name of the species). but also cause anaphylactic shock.

The fire ant is believed to be the fifth-largest invasive species in the world in terms of economic damage. In the United States, the damage it causes to agriculture amounts to $6 billion per year. Eradicating it is also very expensive – and rarely successful.