The phenomenon of social hatred is becoming increasingly widespread and dangerous. There is currently no effective solution to combat it and the damage it causes to both teenagers and adults is enormous. The most recent case in the chronological order is that of Ekla Vasconi, owner of a restaurant in Mantua, who took part in the television program “4 Restaurants” with Alessandro Borghese. An excellent placement, she took second place behind the winner Giuseppe Maddalena. “I am a very sincere person and even expressed my opinion in the episode without filter and I came out “bad.” I didn't do it though insulted No one. “I judged a game and I admit that I was not diplomatic,” the restaurateur told the Adkronos agency, trying to justify the wave of hatred that came over her.
“I had some Discussions within the program with colleagues because I did it criticized “Their restaurants aren’t exactly gentle,” continued the woman, who has received negative comments on all of her social profiles since the episodes aired. In fact, she was forced to close it down because too many messages were reaching her. Even TripAdvisor had to suspend the ability to leave reviews for Eklas Restaurant: “I haven't turned a blind eye to everything for ten days.” hate that they poured water on me and, to be honest, I'm not feeling well.” The attacks rained down on her and also affected her family and her children, a fairly common development of social hatred, but which strikes at those who are and Not designed to endure such a situation can cause enormous damage.
Precisely because the situation has become untenable, her colleagues on the ground to defend Ekla Visconti are the same ones who participated in the program and are now calling on everyone to tone it down. “Our colleague's attitude was sometimes not particularly pleasant, but the limit has now been exceeded: insultdefame and threatennot only on social media but also live, because the attitude adopted during the last game is a behavior that must be adopted censor“, Maddalena explained to Corriere della Sera. She organized a press conference with her colleagues precisely to ask for moderation in behavior. The risks of such a media frenzy are enormous, “that’s why we exposed ourselves.” Enough of that pillory“.