1705611030 The Ombudsman on overcrowding in Barajas We demand that the

The Ombudsman on overcrowding in Barajas: “We demand that the administrations guarantee adequate conditions”

Overcrowding and bed bugs continue to exist in the three lounges for asylum seekers at Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas Airport. The Ombudsman Ángel Gabilondo already denounced the situation in these establishments last December. Gabilondo has responded to EL PAÍS regarding the continued existence of the situation. And it calls on administrations to “coordinate with each other to ensure humane conditions at border posts and to protect the physical and mental health of people temporarily staying there.”

The scandal, which arose after two escapes of nine and 17 migrants in these facilities in the last two weeks, led to the intervention of the Ministry of the Interior, which took over the coordination of the cleaning tasks this Tuesday and tried to transfer them to another this Wednesday transferred internment of foreigners (CIE) in the capital fifty people, of the more than 360 – including fifteen minors – who brought the facilities to collapse. This newspaper asked the ministry, led by Fernando Grande-Marlaska, about the health situation in the premises. And there is no reaction in this regard, although the Interior Ministry has taken over the coordination of the clean-up work in recent days and has taken action in some areas.

Ultimately, despite a court order and a bus being available, only four were transferred to the CIE in Madrid. Specifically, these were the four citizens who had the administrative status of “inadmissible” because the others had applied for international protection. The reason that the proposed plan has not been implemented is that the Public Prosecutor's Office has appealed against the decision of the judge of Court 46 of Madrid, in which it considers that “this is not in accordance with the law, violates the rules of jurisdiction and”. Proceedings and therefore requests its annulment.” But as the Unified Police Union (SUP) reports, given the images to which EL PAÍS had access, the rooms are still full of people and poorly cleaned.

“We are constantly monitoring the development of this case,” explains a spokesman for the organization led by Ángel Gabilondo. And remember that they have already launched two actions in this regard: “One with the Secretary of State for Migration (Ministry of Migration) and another with the General Directorate of Police.” [Ministerio del Interior] and today we await answers to the suggestions in these writings,” they warn.

Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas AirportAsylum seekers in the halls of the Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas airport this week.

According to the argument with which prosecutor Cristina Pírfano paralyzes the transfer of persons to Aluche, “detention in the CIE is a measure provided for in Article 62 of the Law for foreigners in an irregular situation against whom there is an official expulsion order (or expulsion order) ( in certain cases an expulsion procedure has been initiated) for the implementation of which such a measure is considered necessary. That is not the assumption that concerns us now.” And he adds: “The article mentioned in the car [del juez]Article 60 is also intended for a different case than the present one and applies to foreigners who are refused entry upon arrival in Spain, that is to say to those who are “inadmissible”. Four of the more than 360 people still detained at the airport were inadmissible and four were transferred to the CIE Aluche this Wednesday.

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However, the judge held in his decision that the CIE could be treated “as an extension of the asylum accommodation facilities at the airport and as an emergency room” for at least fifty of those detained there whose names appear therein. Car and so on They come from Morocco and Senegal. From the Ministry of the Interior they assure that they “will respect the decision of the Public Prosecutor's Office in the appeal and will agree with the final decision.” They say that “files continue to be processed in Barajas”, without specifying the number after the attendance was reinforced by personnel from the Office of Asylum and Refuge (OAR).

This Thursday, when the same conditions of poor hygiene and vermin were observed in some rooms, the police began to think about the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to be able to carry out their work safely in these establishments. Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska is traveling to Rabat this Friday to analyze with his Moroccan counterpart Abdelouafi Laftit the cooperation of both countries in controlling irregular immigration. This will be his first trip abroad after his appointment last November.

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