The President of Argentina commemorated Nestor Kirchner on his birthday

The President of Argentina commemorated Néstor Kirchner on his birthday

“He never went away. He lives in all of us with his strength and convictions that, even today, drive us to give politics a new meaning in order to transform the lives of our people,” Fernández wrote on Twitter.

For its part, the Somos Barrios de Pie group pointed out that all popular movements remember their example.

With love, courage and dreams intact, we continue on his path to transforming everything, this organization pointed out.

For his part, Secretary General of the Central de Trabajadores de Argentina and deputy of the Frente de Todos, Hugo Yasky, recalled that Kirchner governed for the wage earners, opposed the powerful and fulfilled his people.

A lawyer by training, Kirchner served as that nation’s president between May 25, 2003 and December 10, 2007, a period in which he reduced poverty and unemployment, ordered reform of the Supreme Court, and promoted trials of perpetrators of crimes against humanity in the last civil -military dictatorship (1976-1983).

It also helped strengthen Latin American integration, repelled US interference in the region and managed to get the International Monetary Fund out of Argentina after canceling existing debts.
