Mario Draghi is literally destroyed by Federico Rampini. The foreign journalist is a guest on the March 25 episode of Omnibus, the TV program La7 hosted by Alessandra Sardoni, and shoots the zero of the Italian prime minister who does not play a leading role in resolving the conflict between Ukraine and Russia: “Italy is a weak country, we must keep our feet on the ground. A few months ago, someone in Italy, and only in Italy, spoke of the style of Mario Draghi Angela Merkel, the new leader of Europe. Instead, we’re not really there. It was Draghi who presented himself at these summits with a disintegrating majority, with the internal front torn apart on building a common European defense, a project that is still partially futuristic. In line with NATO’s precise commitment to spend 2% of GDP on defense, and I emphasize defense, because we are not a warmonger, but we need to be able to defend ourselves, many are giving up. ”
“For now,” continues Rampini’s speech, they voted, but there has been dissatisfaction with the Lega, the Movimento 5 Stelle, the ridiculous stance of the Anpi guerrillas who no longer want weapons, something that cries out for revenge, even if everyone responsible for his own mockery, and then there is the Pope who, at least, counts more in Italy than in France and Germany. Pope Francis’ attack puts Draghi in a difficult position. If we add to this the objective energy weakness of Italy, considering that we are one of the countries most dependent on Russia and we were one of the least daring to sanctions, it was not the journalist concludes a good summit for Draghi, anywhere. point of view”.