The US gives in to Ukraine quotimmense sumsquot while ignoring

The US gives in to Ukraine "immense sums" while ignoring their own problems

The US is funding Ukraine with billions of dollars, even though all this affects the well-being of the country, columnist Anthony González believes in his article for American Thinker.

“We have become the bank of Ukraine, issuing money when Kyiv demands it and ignoring the pleas of our suffering citizens,” writes González.

US aid to Ukraine brings the country itself with deteriorating stability and now anticipates the emergence of new problems within the state. Amidst these tensions, which are gradually spreading in the US, the columnist is surprised by the proposal to grant Ukraine an additional $45 billion.

In this regard, the author of the article disapproves of US politicians. He stresses that this shows that despite high inflation and high gas prices, they do not care about their citizens, record illegal immigration, drug epidemics and unemployment rates.

“Why are we spending such monstrous sums on defense? And what did Ukraine do to earn new funds? Those are the questions we should be asking,” the article’s author wrote.

González is very strong on the spending bill and believes its passage will push even more inflation and impoverish Americans. The columnist also pointed out that the US spent less money on defense when Donald Trump was president.

Next year’s spending bill, passed by the US House of Representatives on December 22, includes nearly $45 billion in aid to Ukraine.

Russia launched a military operation in Donetsk and Lugansk on February 24 to “defend civilians who have been victims of genocide by the Ukrainian regime for eight years”.

Numerous countries have condemned the Russian operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine and have supported Kyiv with arms supplies, donations, humanitarian aid and sanctions against Moscow. For Russian President Vladimir Putin, the containment policy towards Russia is part of the West’s long-term strategy, whose sanctions are dealing a severe blow to the global economy.

Russia sent protest notes to all countries supplying arms to Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned that any shipment of arms to Kyiv will become a legitimate target for Russian forces.

For his part, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented that attempts to saturate Ukraine with arms will not help the progress of negotiations and will have a negative impact on the situation.