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Top 10 Most Stolen and Stolen Cars in Brazil; See if yours is on the list Edict Concursos Brasil

One of the crime rates that scares Brazilians the most is the one that shows the number of stolen and stolen cars over the year. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), as part of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD), 64 cars are stolen or stolen every hour in the country. Some models are preferred by burglars.

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Thieves have favorite cars to steal or steal in Brazil

According to the data, the country recorded 564,000 thefts or robberies of cars and motorcycles over the course of a year. The major urban centers such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are hardest hit.

Experts claim that the increase in the number of dismantlings favors the number of crimes committed under this modality. Eventually, the robbers take the cars to “pluck” them from these factories. The parts are removed and secretly sold.

As a result, some of the most popular cars at the time of purchase are also those with the highest number of reported robberies and thefts. Finally, the number of units present in Brazil is related to the demand for parts.

Find out which cars are most attacked by robbers

Below you can check which 10 cars Brazilian robbers steal or steal the most. The list is up to date and combines very popular models. Even some of them, depending on the year of manufacture, are very expensively insured precisely because of the preference given to the model in the event of crime.

  • Volkswagen Golf;
  • Fiat Uno;
  • Chevrolet Onix;
  • Ford Ka;
  • Chevrolet Corsa;
  • Hyundai HB20;
  • Fiat Palio;
  • Volkswagen Fox;
  • Toyota Hilux;
  • Chevrolet Prism.
  • No matter what car you own, always park it in a safe place and, if possible, hire an insurance company to avoid damage. Cars that fall into the hands of criminals are rarely recovered undamaged when they are actually found. Unfortunately, the solution is prevention.