Trump Show: ‘Biden is corrupt, I respect the law’

“We have witnessed the worst and most heinous abuse of power.” Donald Trump is standing by the 37 federal charges against him and speaking to a crowd of his supporters at Bedminster Golf Club just hours after appearing in court in Miami, where he pleaded not guilty in New Jersey.
“I don’t feel above the law, I’m the only one who respects it,” said the former US President, accusing Biden of having “hundreds of classified documents.” “And yet nothing happened to corrupt Joe,” he said, using the “crooked” insult once reserved for Hillary Clinton for the supreme commander.
More agitated than the hushed speech in Florida after the Manhattan indictment for paying porn star Stormy Daniels, the tycoon unleashed the warhorses of his anti-justice rhetoric. “What criminals like Jack Smith did to my family is terrible,” he attacked the special prosecutor who led the investigation into the secret papers in Mar-a-Lago. “What Eric and Ivanka have endured is devastating, but they are extraordinary people,” added the former US President, citing only two of his children. So a mention of his 77th birthday today, June 14th. “It’s a wonderful birthday: we’re going to make it the most beautiful of all,” he said, while his fans, who gathered in one of the halls of the golf club in New Jersey, shouted “Happy Birthday”.
Shortly before his speech, Trump also attacked CNN, accusing the broadcaster of censoring its supporters outside the Miami courthouse. “This fake tapper shut down his show to avoid showing the enthusiasm of people shouting ‘Trump’ on the street,” the tycoon claimed on Truth, referring to the network’s popular host Jake Tapper, who hosted the Live broadcast during his show. appearance in court. “The good news is he was the only one who did it. Maybe that’s why the CNN share is so low,” the former US President stressed, repeating that it was “a sad day for America.” For the tycoon, the all-news network is also part of this “deep state,” the Washington establishment that he reiterated we will send home.

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