UN Security Council adopts resolution calling for increasing and facilitating

UN Security Council adopts resolution calling for increasing and facilitating humanitarian access to Gaza G1

The UN Security Council passes a resolution calling for more humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip

After nearly a week of delays and intense negotiations, the United States finally agreed to abstain from the Security Council vote, paving the way for the adoption of the resolution calling for more aid to Gaza and the unconditional release of all hostages.

Negotiators' fear was that the United States would veto the resolution, as it had done in two previous votes. It took the diplomats all these days to work out a text that the American government would accept. The vote ended with 13 votes in favor and two abstentions, as Russia also followed this path. This is the first time since the start of the war that the Council has adopted a resolution calling for a cessation of hostilities.

The final version of the text does not call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the war, but only for pauses and humanitarian corridors and the creation of conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities.

1 of 1 The United States abstained from voting on a resolution on the war between Israel and Hamas in the UN Security Council Photo: JN The United States abstained from voting on a resolution on the war between Israel and Hamas abstained from voting in the UN Security Council Photo: JN

The representative of Israel expressed gratitude for American support in upholding Israel's right to inspect shipments before entry into the Gaza Strip. However, the United States and Israel criticized the resolution for failing to condemn the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7.

The Palestinian representative said the resolution was a step in the right direction.