Stuck in a pond in Louisiana since the hurricane Ida In 2021, a mother dolphin and her baby were finally rescued two weeks ago.
Wildlife experts finally transferred the animals on June 17th. The Audubon Coastal Wildlife Network (CWN) believes the dolphins were swept away by the tropical storm’s waves.
“CWN monitors [les deux mammifères marins] I’ve been waiting for them for more than a year [petit] be old enough to take them to an area with access to open water,” the organization posted on Facebook.
Although the pond has adequate nutrition, reasonable salinity, and tidal flow, it does not have access to the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, it required a team of trained and skilled responders and the authorities to return them to their natural habitat.
“Storm surges and increased coastal flooding associated with hurricanes often result in marine mammals and sea turtles being washed ashore or into inland waters where they are not generally seen, such as lakes, ponds and canals,” explained the CWN.