1702646438 Unlike LGBT and Islamophobia The minority in danger Christians Nicola

Unlike LGBT and Islamophobia. The minority in danger? Christians Nicola Porro

Christians in danger

“Protection of minorities”, this slogan is fashionable in politics and art. Minorities that only seem to affect those who care about political correctness. The rest, however, can wait between one pursuit and the next. Well, in addition to homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, “fatphobia” and other “inclusive” neologisms, there are also those Christianophobia. A term that is undoubtedly less present on microphones and in pens than “Islamophobia”, although “Christianophobia” is much more widespread than the latter. Data that should be remembered today more than ever, considering that the current Christmas question “Nativity yes or not?” seems more relevant so as not to offend the sensibilities of others the 360 ​​million persecuted Christiansor one in seven Christians.

The value of the indicators in the fifty at-risk countries is increasing. North Korea ranks first on the 2023 World Watch List. The reason for this is the “law against reactionary thinking,” which has led to an increase in arrests and church closures. What is worrying about open doors is this above allSub-Saharan Africa where oppression has reached unprecedented levels. There was also a significant increase in the number of abductions of believers, from 3,829 to 5,259. Of these, almost five thousand are concentrated in three countries: Nigeria, Mozambique And Congo. Also worth mentioning are the almost 30,000 cases of attacks on Christians.

In addition to the explicit harassment, there is pressure abuse Newspapers on the Work, at school, in church services. A situation that angered the believers so much that they fled, becoming real internally displaced people or refugees. Displacement is a particularly widespread phenomenon in the Middle East, but also in the Sahel Violence Jihadist, in Iran and Myanmar. A scenario made even more horrific by the persecution of Christian women, with thousands being forced into forced marriages or subjected to sexual violence. Atrocities that often go unreported for cultural and social reasons. A human plague, that of Christian hostility, which also affects European countries, even if the situation is not as tragic as that of the countries mentioned above.

In Spainbut also in France, Anti-Christian sentiment is becoming more widespread, with attacks increasing by 300% in ten years. For example, the 2019 report of the Observatory for Religious Freedom in Spain reported continuously Theft of consecrated hosts, detached tabernacles, insults, threats and physical attacks on priests during the Eucharist. In Catholic Poland, however, the reaction of anti-Catholic violence had been manifesting itself for several weeks following the ruling in October 2020 on the unconstitutionality of eugenic abortion. Organized and led anti-abortion groups had begun desecrating church buildings. To the point that the believers themselves had to physically guard the churches to defend the Blessed Sacrament and the buildings.

However, in France, anti-Christianity is widespread and there are arson attacks involving French Catholic churches, such as those at Notre Dame, Saint Denis, Rennes, Saint Sulpice in Paris, Pontoise, Nancy, Nantes, Our Lady of Graces of Revel and Saint-Jean-du-Bruel of Rodez, the Cathedral of Saint Alain of Lavaur. The common ones are also worth mentioning Beheadings against the Virgin.

In this context, anti-Christianity in Italy is expressed in numerous cases of vandalism of statues of the Madonna and Jesus, but above all in attacks on crucifixes and nativity scenes in public places, while arson is rare. The same Italy where there is no shortage of real blasphemy scenarios, as happened in 2019 with the “contraception party”, promoted by the collectives with a poster depicting the Madonna surrounded by condoms. A deliberately blasphemous provocation. Or what happened to the cartoon in 2021 Madonna, depicted in the form of the female sexual organ, is carried in a “procession” up to the steps leading to the churchyard of the parish of Santi Angeli Custodi in Piazza Sempione. And then the banner “Like a Virgin” placed under the statue of the Virgin, symbol of the Montesacro district, in Rome.

A “sacred anti-patriarchal celebration” as defined by the feminists and the Astra and Brancaleone social centers that organized the initiative. Strange that the same feminists didn't make a similar provocation in front of a mosque, considering that Patriarchy it is a constant of the Islamic religion. Abhorrent and obscene behavior that confirms who really represents the minorities, that is, those communities that are less and less protected and increasingly ridiculed in the silence of those who can but do not want to.

Nemes Sicari, December 15, 2023

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