The celebration lasts more than a month and is revisited in the 19 departments and cities of this South American nation with their own characteristics.
These celebrations are organized with costumes, dances, masquerades and street performances with floats and music.
Its origins are in Europe and in colonial times the arrival of African slaves added rhythms, dances and drums.
In 1874, on February 16, on a large stage in the Plaza Matriz of this capital, the first official troop competition was organized, in which 35 troops took part.
It was at this time that the first carnival groups emerged, such as the Murgas, which combine theatrical performances and singing.
In 1905 the current official Comparsas competition was created and around 40 of them took part in that year’s edition.
Currently the competition has different categories including the parade of calls, parodists, comedians and the vedette or dancer of the carnival.