US authorizes coups whenever it can benefit from them says.webp

US authorizes coups whenever it can benefit from them, says Lavrov Diario do Centro do

Sergey Lavrov. (Photo: Reproduction)

The US is an enthusiastic supporter of regime change whenever it can benefit from the process, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told RT. If a coup is aimed at a government that is more flexible about US interests, Washington will inevitably oppose it, the diplomat added.

There have been numerous attempts at regime change around the world in recent years, and the US response “depends on who was in power and who wanted to carry out the coup,” Lavrov said on Monday.

“Where the West is satisfied with the current government, no protest can be legitimate in such situations. But when the government does not reflect hegemonic interests and pursues national interests, in these cases we see various illegal forces being promoted. [para atacar as autoridades]’ the diplomat added.

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