USA shock survey How many Muslims justify Hamas

USA, shock survey: How many Muslims justify Hamas

There is a fact that should not be underestimated when considering the potential threat posed by Muslim communities in Western countries. And it emerges from a survey conducted in the United States by the Cygnal Institute, which in recent days has asked a sample of two thousand people (followers of various religious cults) some questions about the Middle East crisis and the genesis of this acute phase. the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th. Well, 57.5% of Muslims included in the sample analyzed believe that “Hamas was justified in attacking Israel” as part of its “fight for a Palestinian state.”

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Another worrying aspect concerns the level of publicity surrounding the events of the massacre almost three weeks ago. While 10.8% of Jews included in the statistical sample “did not know about the beheading of children by Hamas on the day of the attack,” this percentage increases more than threefold among Muslims, reaching 34.1%. These numbers paint a worrying picture of the prospects for consensus that Hamas can create within Western Muslim communities. Which is based on the underlying mystification fueled by the Islamic terrorist group, namely the struggle to establish a Palestinian state. In reality, it is much more: the destruction of the State of Israel and the creation of a catalyst for jihadism around the world.

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The American survey figures therefore underline the need for moderate Islam to prove its existence in order to isolate extremists and help bring the confrontation back to the level of civil coexistence. Muslims’ support (wherever they are) for the crimes of Hamas, which seeks to destroy Israel, has an easily recognizable underbelly: hostility toward Western values ​​and the democratic system as a whole.