A vacuum cleaner in action, source Pexels
Cleaning the house, how much effort: There are quite a few Italians for whom using the vacuum cleaner is a great effort. But the British have discovered a new revolutionary technique on the other side of the ocean to “shorten” the times. Let’s find out together.
Vacuum cleaner, get the vacuum cleaner out. It’s not the karate kid wax, but to have the time and will to clean the house really does take Zen patience in times of runaway inflation, high energy, and economic troubles. It’s troublesome, it’s pointless to avoid it; And any trick is legitimate to cut the time, drastically reduce the time wasted cleaning a hopelessly, hopelessly dirty house.
The British have a long tradition of house cleaning; Everyone knows more or less the example of the English governesses, the relentless severity with which they sniff out the smallest speck of dust. But what are the tricks used by these “mistresses” of the house?
The first is to start by sucking up two teaspoons of powdered detergent when changing the vacuum cleaner bag. With the cleaning agent you can remove all traces of moisture from the vacuum cleaner and thus spread a clean smell. You turn on the vacuum and go, it smells nice and clean. A great solution to avoid using perfume atomizers and other similar paraphernalia.
Another trick is to moisten a piece of cotton wool, especially the small patches of make-up, with three drops of an essential oil or a particularly popular perfume. The pane must then be sucked up, making sure that the object does not block the device. Here, too, a pleasant smell of fresh laundry spreads every time the vacuum cleaner is used.
How to clean the house in the shortest possible time: some “special” tricks
How many uses there are for baking soda and washing powder! As long as you handle it carefully and avoid inhaling, it really is an impressive tool. We can also use it to breathe new life into furnishings, for example: just take a handkerchief or scarf (worthless, of course) and put three tablespoons of detergent in it. The fabric is then closed at the four tabs and, to be even more secure, closed with a cord. Stored in a wardrobe or in a piece of furniture in general, it guarantees a long-lasting scent.
The vacuum cleaner at work, source Pexels
But why limit yourself to the house? Even the car is a major headache, cleaning the interior is a task that many easily ignore. Tight, dirty, crowded environments.
But there is a simple and ready-to-use solution: you can use the washing powder here too and spread it on the carpets. Then simply use a brush and sprinkle the powdered detergent onto the mats.