Do the problems start with the bicolor? The players of the Peru team, Bryan Reyna and Yuriel Celi, who were involved in a firearms and drug possession scandal last year, were arrested days before the Peru team started training in Videna at a Ventanilla Championship.
other footballers
Luis Ramírez (Sport Boys), Carlos Ascues (César Vallejo), Jorge Murrugarra (University) and Frank Ysique (César Vallejo) can be seen in the promotional photo of the event.
Other players were part of the ad banner. Photo: PBO recording
The journalist said so Carlos Alberto Navarroaka “Tigrillo” during the PBO Champion program and believes Reynoso should sanction her.
Reyna and Celi play in Cantolao and Mannucci, respectively. Photo: Composite LR/PBO
“John Reynoso He’s a professional coach from all angles and I don’t think he’s going to give that up because that’s not innocence, that’s irresponsibility, which I think should be sanctioned,” he said.
“I imagine that suddenly the ‘cabezón’ (Juan Reynoso) was already aware and if he shouldn’t fly at that moment because it’s not possible to understand how these guys still can’t get their heads around what it is playing football professionally,” he added.
He was outraged by Bryan Reyna
“He’s irresponsible, the footballer knows he can’t be in any ‘Pichanga’. I’m mad at Reyna (Bryan)”.
Will Reynoso say anything about it?
“Juan (Reynoso) will say yes or no, I don’t think he will remain silent. Because that would be absolutely silly and I would put a point against it for myself”.