Judge Mary Kay Holthus of Las Vegas was attacked while sentencing a man for assault this Wednesday (3) in Nevada (USA).
A video showing the exact moment the judge is attacked went viral on social media. As she reads the sentence, the man frees himself and jumps on the woman, who ultimately falls. She tried to avoid the criminal, but she couldn't.
The case took place in the district court of Clark County, one of the 16 counties in the state of Nevada. The author is Delone Redden. He was convicted of aggravated assault and pleaded guilty. The information comes from channel 13 of KTNVTV, an ABC affiliate.
At the time of the attack, the judge denied the perpetrator's request for probation due to his criminal record. Redden punched the judge several times while shouting profanities. It took several agents to contain him.
The Las Vegas District Court reported that the judge suffered some injuries and was under observation.
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