War in Ukraine NATO formalizes entry of Sweden and Finland

War in Ukraine: NATO formalizes accession of Sweden and Finland, there is a clash between Moscow and the West

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Don’t panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what? Who says what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

The NATO summit opened in Madrid on Wednesday. If the topic of the day was the Russian invasion, specifically the establishment of a “full-scale assistance program for Ukraine to enforce its right to self-defense,” there was another great piece of news on the menu. Early this morning, Turkey lifted its veto on Finland and Sweden joining the western alliance.

The organization has therefore officially initiated the accession of Finland and Sweden by signing the accession protocols. A decision seen by Moscow as “deeply destabilizing” but welcomed by President Emmanuel Macron, who said these two countries “have robust and interoperable capabilities” that “can contribute significantly to the security of all allies.”

The sentence

“China’s declared ambitions and coercive measures call into question our interests, our security and our values. »

NATO has denounced the “strategic partnership” between Beijing and Moscow against the “international order”.

The number

144 Ukrainian soldiers, including 95 defenders of Azovstal, were exchanged with Russia in Mariupol. “This is the largest exchange (with Moscow) since the beginning of the Russian invasion,” Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate said on Telegram.

The trend of the day

Between the West and Russia, the tone has risen on all sides. In a joint statement, NATO members claimed that “Russia’s appalling cruelty” is causing “tremendous human suffering and mass displacement, which disproportionately affects women and children” and that Moscow bears “full responsibility for this humanitarian catastrophe.”

But the real conflict of the day is undoubtedly that between Boris Johnson and the Kremlin. The British Prime Minister said that “if Putin were a woman, which of course he isn’t, I really don’t think he would have gotten into this mad macho war”, calling it a “perfect example of male toxicity”. Answer from Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov: “Dear old Freud would have liked to have had such a topic for his research during his lifetime” as British head of government.