War in Israel summit between Hamas Hezbollah and Jihad in

War Israel, air strike on Aleppo airport. Summit between Hamas, Hezbollah and Jihad in Beirut

Oct 25, 2023 1:56:28 p.m

Media, Israeli airstrike on Aleppo airport

Israeli forces have reportedly attacked the airport in Aleppo, Syria. This was reported by Al Arabiyà, citing the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement on its Facebook account that the attack was carried out from a point over the Mediterranean at around 1:25 p.m. (local time). “There is material damage to the runway that has put the airport out of service,” the ministry stressed a few hours after announcing the deaths of eight soldiers in an Israeli attack on Deraa province in the south of the country. The Israeli army had confirmed an attack on Syrian army infrastructure hours earlier, hours after people linked to Hezbollah fired rockets into the Golan Heights. In recent days, Syrian authorities reported several attacks by Israel on the airports in the capital Damascus and Aleppo.

Oct 25, 2023 12:06:04 p.m

Qatar: Let’s hope for a breakthrough in the release of the hostages soon

Qatari Prime Minister and Gulf State Foreign Minister Muhammad ben Abderrahman Al Thani said today he hoped a breakthrough could be achieved “soon” in releasing the hostages and that the only way to a peaceful solution in Gaza was to keep communication channels open. The statements were made during a press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan in Doha. Sheikh Al Thani added that Qatar would continue to coordinate with Turkey and regional partners and also said: “We condemn the policy of collective punishment” against Gaza.

Oct 25, 2023 12:00:35 p.m

Israel congratulates Qatar on its humanitarian commitment

“I am pleased to say that Qatar is becoming an essential element and stakeholder in facilitating humanitarian solutions,” Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi wrote in “X” today. “Qatar’s diplomatic efforts are crucial in these times.” According to Israeli public television Kan, these words came after Qatari leaders today hinted at possible developments in the release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza.

Oct 25, 2023 11:54:01

Palestinian wanted in Belgium for threatening attack

A 23-year-old Palestinian is wanted across Belgium after he declared to an office of the Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Fedasil) his intention to “die a martyr by blowing himself up.” The national media reported on it. The news was confirmed by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office. The man had applied for asylum in Belgium on September 26 and, according to press reports, yesterday he went to the Fedasil offices and declared his intention to die as a martyr, mentioning that he had realized that “his whole family was.” died in Gaza.”

Oct 25, 2023 10:47:23 am

The US military is increasing surveillance in the Middle East

The U.S. military is taking new measures to protect its troops in the Middle East as concerns grow about attacks by Iranian-backed groups, leaving open the option of evacuating military families if necessary. Tell Portal.

The measures include increasing U.S. military patrols, restricting access to base facilities and gathering intelligence on field trips, including through drones and other surveillance missions, the officials say on condition of anonymity.

Oct 25, 2023 10:45:43

Meloni, let’s defend the EU borders to prevent the Schengen area from drifting away

The risk that Schengen “could fall apart” is “clear”, as some European representatives stressed, and “it is a concern that we share, but even more so the only way to prevent this drift is to strengthen the external borders of the To defend the EU.” EU ». Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this in communications to the Senate ahead of the European Council.

Oct 25, 2023 10:21:03 am

Meloni: Cruelty scares us, as we have already seen with the persecution of the Jews

“The cruelty that we have seen, the attempt to dehumanize the hostile religious ideological fanaticism,” which seeks “to cloud reason and destroy the sense of humanity: this is what terrifies us as Italians and Europeans, these are images , which we have seen several times in our history.” saw the persecution of the Jewish people in its cruelest form.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is responsible for communication in the Senate with regard to the EU Council.

Oct 25, 2023 10:19:24 am

Meloni: The fate of the hostages is worrying

“I would also like to express in this room my human closeness to the families of the victims of the terrible Hamas attack on October 7th. My great concern is the fate of the hostages and my dismay at the brutality of Hamas,” said the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in her communications to the Senate ahead of the European Council.

Oct 25, 2023 9:34:14 am

Summit meeting between Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad in Beirut

A summit between senior officials from Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad took place in Beirut, Lebanon. This was reported by al Manar TV of the same pro-Iranian Lebanese Armed Party. The television channel shows images of the meeting between Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah, Hamas deputy leader Saleh Aruri and Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nakhale. According to al Manar, the three pro-Iranian Arab leaders “reviewed the recent events in the Gaza Strip since the start of the Al-Aqsa flood operation and the subsequent developments at all levels, as well as the ongoing clashes in the Lebanese border with occupied Palestine,” in reference to Israel. The statement continued: “An assessment was made of the positions taken at the international and regional levels and what the parties of the Resistance Axis (led by Iran) must do in this delicate phase to achieve a real victory for the Resistance “Gaza and Palestine and to stop the brutal and treacherous aggression against our oppressed brothers.” “It has been decided,” the statement concluded, “to continue the coordination and constant monitoring of developments on a daily and permanent basis.”

War Israel air strike on Aleppo airport Summit between Hamas

10/25/2023 8:20:18 AM

Large-scale raid against Hamas infrastructure in Gaza

Last night, the Israeli army carried out large-scale attacks against Hamas infrastructure in Gaza, according to intelligence information. The military spokesman announced that “terror tunnels, military headquarters, weapons depots, mortar launchers and anti-tank rocket launchers” had been hit.

In addition, the army again attacked Hamas emergency equipment during the night, including “war rooms, infrastructure and military headquarters.” “Hamas’ emergency operations apparatus – explained the spokesman – was responsible for creating blockades that prevented Gazans from evacuating to safer areas in the south of the Gaza Strip.” Hamas’ security structures responsible for monitoring the Gaza Strip were also affected Fighting opponents and making arrests are responsible.

Oct 25, 2023 08:02:10

According to Guterres, Israel denies visas to UN officials

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan said his country would deny entry visas to UN officials following yesterday’s intervention by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which was contested by Israel itself. “Based on his words,” Erdan told Military Radio, “we will refuse to issue visas to UN representatives.” In addition, we have already denied a visa to Undersecretary of State for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths. It’s time to teach them a lesson.”

Oct 25, 2023 06:57:21

Israeli attack on the Jenin refugee camp

According to Palestinian media, three people were killed and many more injured in an Israeli attack near the refugee camp Jenin In West Bank.

“An Israeli aircraft fired at least two rockets at a group of people near Jenin camp, killing three people and injuring several others,” Palestinian news agency Wafa reported, citing local sources.

For its part, the Israeli army said in a statement that it had carried out “anti-terror activities” in the region, but did not mention any casualties and limited itself to saying that there were no deaths or injuries among the Israeli forces.

In the early hours of the morning, “the IDF and the Israeli Border Police Forces carried out an anti-terror operation in Wadi Bruqin in the Jenin area,” the Israel Defense Forces write on Telegram, arresting two people suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. In addition, the armed forces opened fire on armed terrorists.” During the “anti-terror” operation in Jenin camp, “armed terrorists shot and threw explosive devices at Israeli security forces.” In response, an IDF drone hit the terrorists. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), at least 95 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the conflict began.

by Marco Ventura

Fierce clash at the UN headquarters in New York between the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, and the Foreign Minister of Israel, Eli Cohen, who even refuses to meet him on the sidelines of the special session on the Middle East crisis and calls for his resignation. “It is important to recognize that Hamas’ attacks did not come out of nowhere,” Guterres said. “The Palestinian people have been subjected to an oppressive occupation for 56 years.” He adds that the suffering of the Palestinians “cannot justify the horrific attacks of Hamas, but not even these horrific attacks can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.” Words , which ring in the ears and eyes of the head of Israeli diplomacy as justification for the terrorist attacks he committed Hamas in the incursion beyond the Gaza barrier, particularly after he showed and played to the UN Security Council the video of a militant bragging about killing “ten Jews” – by filming himself with the cell phone of one of his victims.



“Mr. Secretary General – emphasizes Cohen, his index finger pointing upwards Guterres – In which world do you live? Certainly not in our world, in the world in which we live. After the October 7 massacre, there is no longer any room for a balanced approach. Hamas must be wiped from the face of the planet…Europe will be the next to be hit by Hamas, it will have terrorists at its door.” And as always, when Israel is in a corner at the United Nations, the United takes action States to clarify the situation. Until this moment, the US Secretary of State Antony Flashhad called on all countries to send humanitarian aid to Gaza because “a civilian is a civilian, Hamas must stop using them as human shields, and Israel must take precautions: food, water and medicine must be able to reach Gaza and reach the people who need them. “They need, civilians need to be able to escape danger.”

But after Guterres’ words about the Palestinians’ reasons, John Kirby, spokesman for the US National Security Council, intervened and rejected the call for a ceasefire because “at the moment it would only benefit Hamas, which is what we are focused on.” “Help Israel defeat Hamas.” And he reminds Guterres that “the responsibility for October 7th lies with Hamas, only with Hamas, not with Israel or with innocent civilians.” The UN Secretary General appears to have crossed a red line for Israel (and Washington). “Learn history before you talk nonsense,” writes former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman in X. “Anyone who justifies the massacre of women and children is no different from the despicable Hamas terrorists.” He is doing “the wrong thing.” Palestinian narrative that the United Nations has been reinforcing for years.” For Gilad Erdan, Israeli ambassador to the Glass Palace, Guterres is “not fit to lead the UN.” There is no point in talking to someone who shows compassion for the terrible atrocities committed against Jewish citizens. I invite him to resign.”

The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamin bin Hamad al-Thani, a key figure because he hosts the leaders of Hamas in Doha and is the real mediator for the release of the Israeli and Western hostages (Blinken again reminds the UN that civilians from 30 nationalities did this). were killed or are hostages). The Emir’s words serve as a warning: “It is untenable that Israel is given an unconditional green light and license to kill, it should not be allowed in our time to cut off water, medicine and food as a weapon against an entire population.” And once again: This war “has crossed all limits, it must end.” Al-Thani accuses the West of applying double standards, “as if the lives of Palestinian children were not worth taking into account.”

Meanwhile, the Israeli bombings in Gaza continue and Lynn Hastings, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the Palestinian Territories, yesterday paid tribute to “the 35 colleagues from our humanitarian agency for Palestine who were tragically killed in the Israeli bombings”. This is also why Guterres appeals to all parties, because “no one should be above international law: the protection of the civilian population is of fundamental importance in every armed conflict.”