After a violent clash between the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, and former President Juan Manuel SantosDue to the peace agreements that the latter signed with the former guerrilla Farc, both will hold a high-level meeting at the Casa de Nariño this Wednesday.
The first major friction was registered after the Colombian President of the Historic Pact opened the possibility of changing the agreements signed in Havana (Cuba). An idea that did not go down well with former President Santos.
President Petro is exploring the possibility of amending the peace deal with FARC to “review the issues not brought up”.
Speaking at a meeting in Medellín organized by Proantioquia, President Gustavo Petro referred to the peace agreement signed between the Santos government and the FARC in Havana. During his analysis, the head of state stated that he was considering the possibility of implementing some changes.
In the first place, the President asked what would become of Colombian society if all the points of the agreement were fully respected. From his reading, this exercise would lead to a rural society, something he would call “romance”.
“The word ‘knowledge’, the word ‘know’, the word ‘university’ are not in the agreements (…). The word “industrialization” is not written. It seems to have been a romantic world of yesteryear, as if one could look back and build a rural society that we are no longer due to the urbanization processes,” reported the head of state.
However, the President specified that this does not mean that the agreement will not be fulfilled. “There is even an instance created in the same agreement that allows for its transformation. I would like it to be convened to deal with the issues not brought up, more from the perspective of dialogue with Colombian society and not an agreement with a group“, he explained.
In this regard, President Petro insisted that “without knowledge and without industrialization, no just, relatively advanced rural world can exist”.
Hard response from Juan Manuel Santos to Gustavo Petro for criticizing the peace with FARC: “Many critics of the agreement did not read it to him”
Former President Juan Manuel Santos responded to President Gustavo Petro’s harsh criticism of the peace deal with FARC on W Radio’s Mis Preguntas program, directed by journalist Roberto Pombo.
The former president, who was responsible for the pact with the guerrillas, urged the head of state to keep his word on implementation.
“We told President Duque that, but like so many things, it went in one ear and out the other. We told President Petro that from the campaign and President Petro promised the country to implement the peace process with FARC‘ said the former president.
“We hope that this government will act on the political will that it has expressed so clearly in relation to the implementation of the peace agreement with the FARC. For the good of the country and for the good of the government itself because, as has been said, without the implementation of the peace agreement with the FARC, any attempt at peace with other groups will be very difficult.“, said the former president for the radio program.
In conclusion, the former President referred to the criticism of President Gustavo Petro, who argued the lack of elements of national transformation in the articles of the peace agreement.
“Regarding what President Petro has said in recent days about the content of the agreement and the lack of mention of the technology and education issue in the rural reform, I am very concerned that the President’s advisors have persuaded him to say something that not entirely true. What President Petro said the agreement does not contain is in the agreement, it is on page 26 of the 320 pages that the agreement contains. What happens all too often is that many critics of the deal haven’t read the deal. But fortunately this agreement, recognized by the whole world, was very complete. What remains is execution,” concluded Santos.
Partido Comunes supports the idea that President Petro’s proposal to amend the peace accords will be discussed
The Comunes Party indicated that it does not oppose the idea of the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, changing the peace agreements while promoting this national discussionas part of the reforms proposed by the national government.
Comunes Party Senator Carlos Antonio Lozada, at the end of a meeting with the Head of State, held at the Casa de Nariño, He expressed that the peace accords signed by the government of ex-President Juan Manuel Santos with the former FARC guerrillas should be implemented.
“If President Petro, in the same statement he made, wants and seeks to start a national dialogue on the structural changes related to changing the development model to dismantle the neoliberal model, we are ready,” he said he. Losada.
And finally, in his statement at the Casa de Nariño, he added: “The discussion is relevant when it comes to ‘total peace’ and that would really imply some structural changes to reduce the violence that historical violence is generating in our country has.”