We are silent Monika Grubers angry speech against the Greens

‘We are silent’: Monika Gruber’s angry speech against the Greens Abendzeitung

When something bothers Monika Gruber, she rarely hides her opinion. On Instagram, the cabaret artist is causing a stir with a video in which she clearly takes a stand against the Greens. She sees social peace and prosperity at risk with the green party. What’s behind it?

Monika Gruber defends herself: “I was never afraid of men”

Just a few weeks ago, Gruber protested in a clip against the Self-Determination Act, which is intended to replace the Transgender Act. She spoke of “misogynistic gender nonsense”. Here, too, she saw the Greens as responsible and said, “I’m sure the mixed red-green poke will wave the bill in a swashbuckling operation that you get to pick your gender once a year.” From the praise of her fans, she also received a lot of criticism for this post. She was accused, among other things, of being afraid of transgender people. She now responds quite calmly: “I’ve never been afraid of men, whether gay, straight, trans or anything else.”

Gruberin criticizes the Greens: “We let ourselves be robbed of our prosperity”

However, Monika Gruber fears the current political situation in Germany. “Do you know what I’m afraid of? The Greens’ politics and the Germans’ phlegmatic subservience”, she explains in the first tone. The reason for her statement is the closure of nuclear power plants in Germany, which were turned off last Saturday. The Bavarian cabaret artist criticizes that ovens are still active in large parts of Europe. “Instead, we rely on dirty coal, which, what many don’t know, doesn’t even come from Germany.”

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We are silent Monika Grubers angry speech against the Greens

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Gruber accuses the Germans of being inactive and finds clear words for his anger and frustration: “We shut up, we pay and let our social peace and our prosperity be stolen step by step.” The 51-year-old woman indicates that she would support public demonstrations against the current policy: “I think it’s time for us to do like the French and take to the streets.”

Support and Criticism of Monika Gruber’s Angry Speech

In the comments, Monika Gruber is celebrated for her angry speech. “Dear Moni, it takes a lot more people like you to open your mouth, put your finger on the wound, report complaints”, writes a fan. However, conspiracy ideologues are also aware of this controversial topic. “Hello? Have you slept the last three years? Why are we out every Monday? It was never just about C [Corona, d.R.]but the planned measures of a sick New World Order elite [Neue Weltordnung, d.R.]”, is another comment on Gruber’s video.

But not every follower agrees with the cabaret artist’s blunt statement. “The ‘filthy leftists’ don’t want coal-fired power generation either, but an expansion of renewables! […] I’m usually a big fan, but this is a little short-sighted for me and a black right-wing conservative,” writes one critic. Another accuses Monika Gruber of fostering political division with her clear words: “People with other politicians Always portraying the attitudes of complete idiots don’t promote the necessary discussion in a democracy and always serve only their own community.”

There seems to be a lot of potential for discussion on this topic, as the 2,000+ comments on the video show. Monika Gruber shouldn’t have said her last word on this either.

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