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Weather in Quebec: gray weather and mild weather for a green Christmas –

Even if there is no precipitation, the skies will be low and heavy this Christmas Day, but Quebecers should take advantage of the mild weather that is setting in as there is no white carpet that is always desirable at such a time. .

According to Environment Canada, the mercury will therefore rise, with positive temperatures in southern Quebec possibly exceeding 4 degrees under cloudy skies, just like the rest of the province.

This cloud cover will bring a risk of freezing drizzle in the morning for most areas, with a 30% chance of showers in the Ottawa Valley and La Vérendrye Game Reserve.

As if sunshine and Christmas did not go well together, no clearing is expected in the south and central Quebec, according to the federal agency, which therefore predicts severe weather, but which can be put into perspective by the mildness caused by the rise in mercury.

This mild weather will prevail almost everywhere, while the temperatures forecast for this Christmas Day are 5 degrees in Estrie, 4 degrees in Montreal and 1 degrees in Quebec, according to federal forecasts.

For Tuesday, the scenario will be the same with slight nuances, as cloud cover will be accompanied by rain in certain parts of the western part of the province, while partial clearings are expected in eastern Quebec.