Weather warning for Monday: major wind damage UnserTirol24 meinetirol24

The weather remains quite calm this Sunday, except for a few showers of rain in northern South Tyrol in the afternoon. But tomorrow, Monday, strong storms are expected again: hurricane gusts of up to 100 km/h are possible in the valleys.

The young amateur meteorologist Florian Schmalzl, from Marlengo, on his Facebook page “Florian’s weather page” makes an alert for Monday afternoon and especially Monday night: “Various meteorological models expect the passage of a cold front, complete with thunderstorms or even hurricane gusts. It rained briefly and violently and major wind damage is expected in some places. Heavy rain and hail could also occur on Monday night. We’ll likely have to deal with some stronger storms on Tuesday as well.”

The weather will change slightly this Sunday: the sun will shine more in the main valleys, but there will be a lot of humidity and fog in the mountains, which will limit visibility in some areas. Individual rain showers are possible in northern South Tyrol from the afternoon onwards. Temperatures will be just over 30 degrees in the lowlands and around 20 degrees in the high valleys.